Brain and consciousness

The relationship between the two instances



Longitudinal section through the centre of the brain where the neck is on the left and pan right. The number 1 refers to the cerebellum and the number 2 to the occipital lobe, while the number 28 refers to the spinal cord outlet from the brain. The number 18 indicates the frontal lobe and 21 refers to the pituitary gland. The importance of the other figures should not be reviewed here. Just need to be mentioned that visual centre is located in the rear and medial part of the neck lobe (figure 2). - Picture reproduced from P. Brandt Rehberg , C.M. Steenberg and Helge Volsøe: Human Anatomy and Physiology. C. A. International Publishers, Copenhagen 1952.


Basically and generally it's probably not too much to say, that the vast majority of people have the idea that consciousness and brain are essentially the same concepts, the lessons were learned in school hours with the anatomy, physiology and biology. In some older books can you actually read the terms, such as. that "the brain is the seat of consciousness" or "consciousness has its seat in the brain," somewhat crude expression to indicate that consciousness and brain are two sides of the same coin. More recently, and especially latest, the perception indirectly supported by brain research that using neuropsychological tests and Magnetic Response scan of the brain, abbreviated MR brain scan, seems to have established the close relationship, that exists between physiological brain processes and conscious life. The latter is defined especially as the sensations, perceptions, thoughts, feelings, will, look and decisions and so on. Or in short, the diverse experiences that occur or is not within the scope of what might be called the field of consciousness.


But the anatomy, physiology, biology and especially neuropsychology’s apparently scientifically based and verified view of the relationship between brain and consciousness, that consciousness basaltic is generated by the brain, can not resist closer and impartial review, I as an all-round amateur researcher according to ability have sought to demonstrate in several articles on this site. For that, I am particularly COMPLIED to the concept of the relationship between brain and consciousness, that exists in Martinus' cosmology, namely on the grounds that the latter more closely involve a greater range of data, than is the case with those scientific disciplines. This larger spectrum involves namely also cognitive factors, which are inevitable and necessary aspects of a complete and in depth study of the phenomenon of life experience in general and the relationship between soul and body problem, alternative consciousness and brain problem, in particular.


A major paradox: The dilemma of Brain Research

The reductionism of Brain Research is still continuing and largely unconcerned with promoting the perception of the relationship between brain and mind, alternatively between body and soul. This promotion is achieved not least through the media, including the electronic media. Recently they have here in Denmark DR TV2 Sunday, April 22, 2012 could see a rebroadcast of two-part program on the above matter. These reported a neuroscientist’s paradoxical and cocksure belief that phenomena such as near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences simply are due to chemical exposure, including in the form of dopamine in certain brain centres.


So-called para-normal experiences can also be caused by other chemical means, namely by ingestion or consumption of alcohol or drugs of various kinds, such as. cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, marijuana, etc. These substances dope the brain and provide at best euphoric and ecstatic experiences and at worst provoke anxiety, fear or aggression and distort the overall brain arrangement of reality.


The paradox consists mainly in the fact, that under these brain researchers' preliminary research and statements must note that the brain, which they identify with the mind, personality and the I, apparently saying to them, for example. that near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences are just some awareness notions of some illusory phenomenon attendant to the real chemical-electrical processes that the brain generates because of its ignorance, it will probably say lack of synapses, interpret and experience as if they are the experiences of objective and real conditions.


It still seems not a moment to wonder the same brain researchers, that the chemical-electrical processes in the brain in general give rise to consciousness performances, as well to note in no way would directly be derived from the chemical-electrical processes themselves. Neuroscience in general and brain researchers, in particular, still sees no reason to believe and consider the mind or psyche as an independent phenomenon or energy system. You feel allegedly convinced to know that the brain represents consciousness and psyche, the other has, at least so far not been able to find through its rigorous scientific studies and experiments.


But this one might be allowed to argue that neuropsychologists and brain researchers have been unable to see the wood for all the trees. Or to put it another way: You cannot see the psyche or the subject, because it is this or that, which via the brain carries out studies and experiments. You can not see these important and relevant structures, although the linguistic statement: "my brain" or "I have a brain" implicitly suggests that there must be a statement of 'ownership', that is, the one I who have or own a brain, a superior instance in the physical organism, which also belongs to the I.


Neuropsychologists and brain researchers are in other words focused outward – because of the historical and traditional reasons - unilaterally their own consciousness or psyche on the physico-chemical and electrical processes that occur in the brains of experimental subjects, and interprets and identifies these processes as causes instead of accompanying effects. When they do, it is because as far as I can see that they a priori assume that there exist nothing else or more than physical matter, more specifically the physical senses and the physical laws of nature. Mental faculties as instinct, emotion, intelligence, intuition and memory is not considered as senses, but is seen merely as products of and accompanying phenomena of the brains physiological processes. But this is and remains an a priori assumption, which turns out not to be able to stand for an unbiased detailed epistemological review. The case is in fact that consciousness or psyche can only be solved by the introspective cognitive way. And whether you are a scientist or lay observer.


What neuropsychologists and neuroscientists, among other shortcomings to recognise and understand is that an otherwise great physical brain 'only' is a necessary interactive interface between the physical world and the consciousness or psyche. Moreover, the latter can be perceived and defined as an energy system that is only partially dependent on the physical body and brain, but which is relatively energy wary because of the nature or substance of the spiritual or psychic energies, that it can not communicate or interact directly with the physical environment or the physical energies. Therefore, the physical brain and central nervous system is the tool or instrument, which makes such communication and interaction possible.


The said communication and interaction between the mind and the physical body, in the alternative, the brain is qualified identified and thoroughly analysed by the Danish thinker and intuition gifted Martinus, followed by his student Per Bruus-Jensen, who in his works, just is looking to bridge the gap between natural science and spiritual science, as readers of my site will know. But it should also subsequently be argued in detail the validity of Martinus' so-called cosmic analyses including on the relationship between body and mind, as it has already been done in the form of numerous articles on this site, which I must therefore refer to.


But for now we spiritualists must therefore content ourselves with that neuropsychology and brain research has found no reason to include the perception of the psyche as an independent energy system in its thorough scientific research and experiments, and this despite the fact that a recognised depth psychologist C.G. Jung has demonstrated the psyche as such as a independent energy system. We must console ourselves with the fact, that the established and canonised science’s perception and consensus on the physical matter exists and the scientific method's overall value and importance are temporarily and that at some point in the future will be replaced by a paradigm shift with a greater holistic view.


The problem’s subject: The Brain

When the relationship between brain and mind even been questioned, which is due in the main proceedings on the one hand that there is consistency between science, mainly biology, brain research and neuropsychology’s, view of the relationship, and on the other hand’, spiritualism and occultism view of the same. However, to know what they are talking about when talking about the brain, it will here be useful to give a brief overview of what scientifically seen is to be understood by the concept and phenomenon of the brain.


The concept and phenomenon of the brain is that part of the central nervous system, which is located in the head’s upper part of the skull. Via the head and neck is the brain continuing the central nervous system's second part, the spinal cord, which contains essentially nerve centre for automatic functions. The brain is divided into the cerebrum of the brain, midbrain, cerebellum, Brain Bridge and the extended marrow. The cerebrum consists of two halves, the left and right brain, called hemispheres, which are connected by the corpus callosum. Hemispheres are on the surface uneven with brain furrows between which the convolutions of the brain bags out. Each hemisphere is divided into frontal lobe, crown lobe, neck lobe and temporal lobe. The cerebral cortex that is the hemispheres outer layer consists of nerve cells, which form the centres of mental life and numerous other functions. The many nerve cells make the cerebral cortex grey, hence called the grey brain matter, which is why it often used popular term "the small grey".


In the depth is the white brain substance mainly composed of nerve fibres that connect the various centres. From the brain develops thalamus and hypothalamus, which contains the centre of the so-called autonomous or self-governing nervous system and is connected to the pituitary gland, where production of the main hormones is going on. The cerebellum has consequences for the movement function and equilibrium sense. The walls surrounding the brain cavities, called ventricles, secreted a clear, colourless fluid called cerebrospinal fluid, which partly serves to protect the brain by this, so to speak "floats" in a buffer and is virtually "weightless", and also maintains an aligned concentration of substances which are essential for its function. Cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord is also in its channel in the spine. From the brain branch off 12 pairs of nerves called the cranial nerves.


Outline of the brain, showing the different departments and cavities. I-IV the 4 brain chambers (ventricles); 1 frontal brain wall; 2 striped body; 3 frontal brain hemisphere; 4 medium brain: 5 midbrain with the Sylvi'c water supply; 6 cerebellum (the little brain); 7 after brain (the extended marrow); 8 spinal cord. The ring depicts the neck hole in the skull. (After Villiger, a little changed). - Picture reproduced from P. Brandt Rehberg, C.M. Steenberg and Helge Volsøe: Human Anatomy and Physiology. C. A. International Publishers, Copenhagen 1952.


The part of the brain called the thalamus is a double area of ​​the brain that is made up of nerve cells or so-called grey matter and has the function to process the nerve impulses from wide areas of the central nervous system, for example. visual and auditory impulses and impulses from the cerebellum, like the area exchange momentum with the cerebral cortex. The hypothalamus forms the lower part of the brain where it forms the connection to the pituitary gland, and together forms the brain's overall hormone centre from which the body's internal environment is regulated by the hormone production and by nerve impulses. The pituitary gland is a pea scaled gland on the under side of the brain. It consists of an anterior lobe, an intermediate lobe and a posterior lobe, autonomous centres of the brain direct the hormone production, and hormones regulate the production of the body's internal (endocrine) glands, some of which directly affect the metabolism and the smooth muscles. Among the hormone controlled endocrine glands are such as. thyroid, the female mammary glands, pancreas and gonads. The pituitary gland can also be surgically removed and replaced by the administration of artificial hormone.



To facilitate the understanding of important areas of the brain can be seen above a greatly simplified representation of various brain lobes: frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe, which are some of the important areas in the brain that are discussed in the main text. - © 2010 psychologist and author Finn Bjerke.


It is a fact that brain size varies from individual to individual, and that the size is not in a direct proportion to the intelligence. It is, for example. known that a highly intelligent man as the theoretical physicist Albert Einstein had what can be characterised as a relatively small brain. As the superior organ, it is the brain's purpose and responsibility to manage and regulate body functions and movements, including blood circulatory, respiratory and hormonal balance etc. In addition, it determines our whole behaviour, as it according to science is the seat of senses, faculties, thoughts and feelings. But even if you know the actual structure of the central nervous system and know that functions based on co-operation between complex structures, it is only in recent times, including via the brain scans to determine how the brain works more accurately. The transmission of impulses through the nerve fibres to and from the billions of brain cells occurs in the so-called synapse, where two offshoots: neurite and dendrite, meet. The impulses are weak electric currents which by their influence have the effect that in the synapse are released a chemical substance, called the transmitter substance dopamine, which further affects the next cell, and so on. Since allegedly in a cm3 brain tissue can be found 50,000 synapses, the contact possibilities are immensely and great many. (1)



The human brain, a left side view showing brain hemisphere’s lobes and centres, x ½. 1 speech centre; 3 the centre of correlated eye and head movements; 4 frontal lobe; 6 writing centre; 7 and 8, the centre of moving the leg and the arm; 10 corresponding sensitive centres; 12 the crown lobe; 13 reading centre: 14 neck lobe; 15 the small brain; 18 temporal lobe; 19 hearing centre; 20 the Sylvi'c furrow; 21 the centres of moving face, tongue and larynx; 2, 5, 9, 11, 16, 17 brain grooves (9 central groove). (After I. Broman). - Picture reproduced from P. Brandt Rehberg , C.M. Steenberg and Helge Volsøe: Human Anatomy and Physiology. C. A. International Publishers, Copenhagen 1952.


In recent brain research and neuropsychology, the name amygdala is often used, which translated into English means the almond kernel. It is localised to a small area in the brain's temporal lobe, where it is divided into two parts, one part that receives impulses from the autonomic processes, particularly in the thalamus, hypothalamus, the olfactory lobe and others, and some that actually receives all sensory information. The amygdala is among other things responsible for the feeling of fear and defence reactions. It also has connections to the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, olfactory and intake of food and fluids. It may also trigger various autonomous organic reactions in the respiratory, circulatory and gastrointestinal tract, just as it is involved in post-traumatic stress disorders. According to calculations, the human amygdala contains about 12 million neurones, so there is perhaps no wonder that the amygdala has gained so much importance in modern brain research.


Apart from that, whatever may be said about the brain and its structure and functions, we must in any case marvel at its intricate decor with its billions of nerve fibres and synapses. From the atomic level, the brain is an even greater miracle, yes, the word miracle is not really too much or incorrectly said to explain, how these functions emergence and appropriate or intended functions and especially the brain related to and interaction with conscious mental life? - This explanation problem it is still up to science in terms of biology and neuropsychology to give a plausible answer. But there can be little doubt that the explanation must be found in a number of factors and primarily be reliant on the natural laws that apply to molecular chemistry and biology. These laws, which we take for granted, determines one of the issues that could be called life's building plan, which is encoded in every cell in the form of so-called DNA molecule's chemical content and composition. But why exactly these laws of nature and the chemistry are underlying the origin of life and features, natural science in the form of atomic physics and molecular biology hardly provide a full explanation of. It should be another research method, and such a feature rather used for example by Martinus' cosmic analyses of life and consciousness. (2)


Martinus' perception of the brain problem

From the very beginning of his writing career, which began with Livets Bog (the Book of Life) I, published in July 1932 but which had already been written finished in 1930, he was fully aware of what the relationship was between the brain and consciousness. In the Book of Life I the brain and nervous system are mentioned in the following locations: paragraphs. 51, 223-4, 227, but it is especially in paragraph. 223-4, Martinus analyse the role the brain plays in consciousness, which in turn can be seen in the larger context, made up of not only biological evolution, but also in its cosmic evolution. The latter denotes Martinus under its cosmology in general as involution, a term that also occurs in biology, but in another meaning than is the case in Martinus' cosmology. Martinus' conception of man is generally more consistent with ideologies such. as neoplatonism and neopythagorism. Ideology, not just in any sense of ideology, but as a complex of idealistic ideas, which together form a holistic approach of key factors of life and living conditions, why ideology is close to the concept of worldview.


Neoplatonism is a Hellenistic school whose most striking thinker is the Greek Plotinus or Plotin (ca. 205- ca. 270). His teachings are based on the philosophy that caused his colleague Plato (427-347 BC), a pupil of the wise Socrates (ca.470 -399 BC). The doctrine assumes that the cosmos is structured as a hierarchy of interconnected higher (spiritual) and lower (physical) nature forms, in which the latter acts as the subject of the physical and 'lower' living individuals longing for deliverance of the prodigal state in the world of matter. The divine and in fact immortal souls are step by step descending into the physical world, where for a time they are living in oblivion of their higher affinity until the memory of this awakened and longing for reunion occurs. Neoplatonism is not dualistic in that spirit and matter is viewed as two sides of the same reality, namely God Himself. And God is seen as the absolute, all-encompassing, undifferentiated, indivisible and immutable reality whose essence and fullness is manifested in the form of souls and their worlds. By the way, a way of thinking or ideology that can also be found in the idealistic Hindu philosophy, such as. the classical philosophical systems as Sankhya, Yoga and Vedanta, which however is believed to be older than those Greek philosophies and different from those of the doctrine of samsara, meaning circuit, the life cycle of birth and rebirth. Underlying this is the idea of ​​all life participating in an infinite loop through continued birth, death and rebirth, a process that is associated with the very important retribution principle, called karma, which means action and fate, the latter as a result of acting in previous existence. The doctrine of karma-samsara gained a foothold and recognition partly because of its value as an explanation for the disparity in skills, terms and fate, and partly because of the perspective it opens ever-new opportunities for everyone. The doctrine of karma-samsara responded thus the need and desire for complete equality and justice for all living beings. (3)


On this outlined historical background, it is interesting to get acquainted with the ideas of Martinus' cosmology, especially since it must be noted that these in several ways are akin to those listed above Neoplatonic and classical Hindu ideas about life, the world and human existence. The concept of development (evolution) - and for Martinus also the concept of involvement (involution) - that is, both as a biological, psychological, and not least cosmic concept and phenomenon, is a key concept to understand life. But simultaneously with this Martinus is in his cosmology operating with concepts and ideas that have great principle similar to the Hindu teaching of karma-samsara. In Martinus' vocabulary, the word and the concept of karma, but most specifically with the word "fate”, while the word and the concept of samsara is similar to the word and concept of "spiral cycle." These concepts and factors are so well described in the various sections on this site, that I have to settle for a reference to it in the note. (4)


The concept and phenomenon of consciousness

In general psychological sense consciousness is defined as an umbrella term for the different forms of experience, awareness or perception, more precisely as experience and perception of the outside world in the form of sensations, and the individual's own inner world of ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., which in short to say of consciousness. But the concept and phenomenon of consciousness also includes the opinions, theories and viewpoints related to a conscious being, and finally also as self-awareness, which in short means an individual's consciousness of himself and his own and for the rest not infrequently exaggerated importance.


Within the framework of Martinus' cosmology can and must the phenomenon of consciousness be related to his analysis of what it is that not only constitute man, but in a wider sense, the living entity, which in the broadest sense means all living beings. This being is according to Martinus a triune principle in the form of an I, a consciousness and an organism, but in the sense that the I provides the overall authority of the relationship, while consciousness is present in the form of an superior over-consciousness and an under-consciousness, and the body as an interactive tool, the individual through its consciousness makes use of. The essential characteristic of living creatures, including man, is that the senses perceive and manifests itself in the form of actions. However, Martinus emphasises, that perception is not - as it is common to think and believe - a passive receptive process, but rather a process that presupposes and requires a significant moment of creation, albeit mainly automatic creative activities. This is part of the reason why Martinus also represents consciousness as the living being’s creative ability, but that is an ability that requires and depends upon an intimate co-operation between the above-mentioned three instances. This creative ability is also the basis for perception, which in turn is the basis for the phenomenon of experience, and accordingly Martinus write including the following:


(Quote) 254. Since everything that comes within the concept of "experience" can only exist as identical to vibration or movement, the whole universe in its detail will be identical to an infinite ocean of energy- or movement combinations, rays and waves, each, as they are experienced by the living being, will form a new image in the gallery who in real life is known as identical to its "consciousness ". [...] (Unquote) (5)


In greatly simplified terms, Martinus therefore see consciousness as a "mental picture gallery", more precisely in terms of mental concepts, which obviously in greater or lesser degree are associated with thoughts and feelings. But there's obviously much more and more, to be able to comprehend and understand what consciousness is and covers. This because the topic is in reality also so complex and extensive, that it is beyond the scope of an article like this that makes attempts to provide a reasonably comprehensive description of it. However, it should be added that the following psychological energies or abilities are more or less active in the individual consciousness, that is to say instinct, gravity energy (dynamic energy), emotion, intelligence, intuition, memory, and as the driving force or motivation factor behind these abilities and energies is a phenomenon or a force, Martinus describes as the primordial desire, defined as an unspecified basic desire for experience or more accurately after life experience. This primordial desire is the basis for all specific forms of desire, will and wish, but mind you, guided by a series of so-called cosmic (also called divine) creation principles. These are automatic laws that everyone and everything is submitted to. (6)


Martinus' perception of the brain and its role

As mentioned the brain and nervous system are treated on the following locations in Livets Bog (Book of Life) I: paragraphs. 51, 223-4, 227, but it is especially in paragraph. 223-4, that Martinus analyse the role the brain plays in the consciousness, but mind you viewed in the somewhat larger cosmic perspective, which of course is the hallmark of his cosmology. In paragraph. 51, Martinus notes, that the living beings' brains are only susceptible to mental images, ideas or notions of a certain strength or wavelength. This means that mental images above this strength, generally occurring fantastic or completely inaccessible to the individual, while mental images, ideas and beliefs that is below that strength or wavelength, generally occurring the individual as primitive and naive.


But it is especially in Livets Bog (Book of Life) I, paragraph. 223-4, that Martinus analyse and characterise the brain's role in relation to the terrestrial human’s cosmic current development situation. On this subject, Martinus writes among other things, that the spiritual consciousness function in humans may be considered to be at an early stage, as the spiritual bodies have not yet been brought up to their peak expression of the spiritual planes of existence. This is the reason why the spiritual bodies do not have the strength or capacity to carry the consciousness, which in turn is the reason why the physical consciousness function mainly is borne by the relatively well-developed physical body. This entails that the physical existence, so to speak drowns out the very spiritual life, and this contrast is again the reason why spiritual experiences only be perceived and experienced as thoughts or mental images, contrary to that those according to Martinus in fact, as realistic objects as they experienced physical objects.


The earthly man's main body is made up all of the physical body, but the individual is also through its brain and nervous system associated with the still infant developed spiritual bodies through which its spiritual functions are carried and released. These spiritual functions or abilities and bodies consists principally of the emotional ability and emotional body, intelligence ability and intelligence body, intuition ability and intuition body, and memory ability and memory body. But when these spiritual functions, Martinus describes as of an electrical related nature, can only be physically released via a wire or antenna system, is such precisely existing in terms of the subject's brain and nervous system. This system thus consists partly of physical energies and also of spiritual energies or energy waves, whereby the individual is able to get in touch with the reaction of the interaction that takes place between the physical body and the basic energies, which of course is the real basis of the individual's life experience and manifestation. The aforesaid reaction is therefore in real terms in nature related to electrical energy waves in the brain and nervous system. In physiology these energy waves are termed as physical-chemical-electrical responses in the brain and nervous system, a term, which corresponds well with Martinus' explanations of sensory and experiential process. But by this ceases the accordance also with the natural sciences in general and with the brain physiology in particular, because where they understood phenomena and processes as physicochemical, Martinus argues that simultaneously there also is the case of para-physical chemical phenomena and processes. This he points out also in Livets Bog (Book of Life) I, paragraph. 224, as he puts forward the view that when people in general and science in particular, is not able to observe individual sensations beyond into the brain and nervous system, it is because the individual's spiritual senses and abilities still only are at the stage, as the physical body was at, then it during evolution was not yet in possession of the physical senses such. as vision, hearing, etc.


But the situation or relationship is, Martinus claims, that the brain-nervous system’s physico-chemical-electrical waves or vibrations will continue as non-physical into the individual's spiritual structure in which they are experienced in terms of how much or little the spiritual structure or the spiritual bodies and their organs are designed to react to these waves and vibrations. The point is that it is through these spiritual bodies, that the electrical waves and vibrations are experienced as spiritual sensations in the form of thoughts and emotions or thought climates, which together form the "mental image gallery" called consciousness. Brain and nervous system is, according to Martinus in other words, the individual's "gateway" into the spiritual world. On this subject, he includes the following, which I will like to quote here:


(Quote) [...] Depending on that terrestrial human spirit bodies are still undeveloped, it will therefore be a victim of the superstition that the "gateway" or brain and nervous system is the cause of its spiritual functions and thus are yet unconscious in its spiritual bodies or the real facts. That superstition is further stimulated by the fact that in the "gateway" to the spiritual world there are small special openings for the particular species of electric waves, which thus in turn means that there in the brain and nervous system are special centres or complexes of the various spiritual functions. The former being will thus be a victim of the illusion to believe that these special centres or complexes is the underlying cause of the features, while in fact they represent only special setting means for physically sending and receiving the corresponding special spiritual energy waves or vibrations. As the antenna is not the cause of the music or talk that through this associated radio equipment is received, but represents only a centre through which the music or lecture in electrical form can be received and placed on to the unit's other centres and be converted into its original form, so is the brain and nervous system definitely not the cause of this or that through the same system occurring visible manifestation, but only forming a sender and receiver system for the reactions between the individual's physical body structure and basic energies in the form of electrical waves. Just like receiving or sending through a radio device becomes jarring, when there is something wrong with the individual parts of its accessories, so the reaction procreation are through brain and nervous system naturally discordant if there is something wrong with the special centres or complexes in the that system. Such disharmonies in the individual consciousness are known in the daily lives by the concepts: Insanity, mental retardation and paralysis. (Unquote) (7)


It is all according to Martinus a superstition and illusion to think, that the physical brain and nervous system should be the generator of consciousness. Therefore, one cannot talk about, as some do, that "the brain is the ultimate seat of perception and consciousness", because this claim is as far from reality as you can get. This highlights Martinus further in his Shortbook No. 1: "The Destiny of Mankind", which was originally published in the journal "Okkultisten" (The Occultist) in 1933, but later appeared in book form. It happens in the book’s 19-20th Chapter and in my view, a somewhat clearer form than in the above passage quoted. In the book, it is especially the sensory process from start to finish, Martinus analyses and talk about, the analysis, which is in great principle consistent with the one you can find in the philosophical discipline called sensory physiological criticism and also in the Indian philosopher Shankar Acharya’s similar analyses of the sensory process. The English writer and philosopher Paul Brunton, mainly disseminate these to the Western world in books such. as "The Search of the Over Self" and "The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga". (8)


Science fiction or reality?

Anyway, is that science fiction or whatever, when it is claimed that the brain will be able to develop more qualitative brain functions? The monster literature and science fiction films and aliens movies have seen individuals with enlarged heads, allegedly caused by a larger brain capacity compared to what is the case for ordinary mortals. But as far as it will hardly come, because in that case one can namely also wonder if anyone imagines, that people with giant head would be born of a contemporary female organism, such as this is anatomically build and has been largely through human history.


However, it is a fact that the brain in the course of evolution has evolved from being very primitive for the time being to be a sophisticated and complicated organ of a likewise relatively sophisticated form of consciousness. But in recent times, experts believe that the brain so to speak is not a fixed, but rather a living organ that have the potential for further development. This view is shared as mentioned also by Martinus, which unmistakably is clear from the following quote:


(Quote) Since the subject's brain organ development is changing, so that it gradually becomes able to receive mental images of greater and greater strength, it will also be able to receive the bright radiance of the creating principle in correspondingly larger and more elaborate forms of mental images. (Unquote) (9)


The quote makes it clear that Martinus is of the view, that the human brain has a latent capacity to develop more than the status it has in the present. But from this it seems it also indirectly shows that the brain generally develops more or less constant as a result of the great intelligence and experience growth, virtually all the time going on and probably mainly going to take place in the future. There are certainly indications that modern neuropsychologists and psychologists such support the view indirectly. as psychologist and assistant professor Erik Hoffmann, who for years has been interested in and studied brain functions. In his case, there really is a serious attempt to reconcile modern brain science with spiritualism view of the brain. Erik Hoffmann relates in his research unprejudiced himself to the understanding of human consciousness, which can include find in classical Indian philosophy and psychology, perhaps especially in Shankar Acharya’s Advaita Vedanta, and from there it is not far to the basic psychological insight found in Martinus' cosmology.


In principle according to Martinus’ view of the brain, Erik Hoffmann says, that man is developing a new brain, in the sense that it is a development of the anterior part of the brain, more precisely of the so-called frontal lobes, which contains the potential for the development of what Hoffman describes as a new brain. According to him, man has already three brains, located one above the other in the order in which they are built up through the development of mankind, as he distinguishes between the old and the new brain. The from an evolutionary point youngest region of the brain represents brain researchers as the neocortex, as the so-called frontal lobes is a part of. The neocortex is found in all mammals, but is most developed in man, and that it has a great potential for further development in the form of construction of new nerve fibres (dendrites) and nerve connections (synapses), Hoffmann characterises it as "the brain of undeveloped countries". The so-called old brain contains so-called parietal lobes (crown lobes), and these are in most people more active than is the case with the new brain's frontal lobes.


Incidentally seems Erik Hoffmann indirectly to confirm Martinus' claim that the brain organ will eventually be put in a position "to receive the bright radiance of the creating principle in correspondingly larger and more elaborate forms of mental images." It is in connection with his answer to the question on what is better by the new brain. This end provides Hoffmann including the following response:


(Quote) “It is that we become better people. We become more human. It is the result of more developed frontal lobes and a better balance between the two hemispheres." (Unquote) (10)


Perhaps we should here probably correct "This is the result of more developed frontal lobes and a better balance between the two hemispheres" because of causation may well be the opposite: that the "more developed frontal lobes and the balance between the two hemispheres" is the result of that we are getting better and more humane people. But the fact is that at least the two hemispheres, the left and rights halves co-operate together, as they share the overall functions between them. Left hemisphere corresponds to the verbal, linguistic and analytic functions, while the right hemisphere is equivalent to the visual, spatial perception and emotions. Motor functionally seen the situation is that the motor nerves from the left hemisphere cross over and directs the right body half and right brain cross over and directs the left body half.


According to Hoffman, the people who have a better balance between the new and the old brain, have a greater empathy and experience and do not see themselves as separate individuals, but rather as parts of a larger and loving whole and cohesive with all other living creatures. He therefore believes that it is the right brain that makes us human, and that it is through this that people get in touch with creativity and spirituality, while feelings of love, joy and serenity, and feelings of unity and cohesion with the supreme being and all living beings. Regarding the statement that "it is the right brain that makes us human, etc.", I mean that Hoffmann again is guilty of confusion between cause and effect. Right Hemisphere represents - in principle similar to the left hemisphere - 'only' an interactive agency between the physical organism and the behind being’s spiritual personality structure.


Kundalini Rising

The concept and the term Kundalini Rising is related to classical Indian philosophy’s perception of what forces it is, that causes the people in the form of individual souls (atman) during deep meditation can have spiritual experiences of the highest happiness and peace and unity with the superior or supreme soul (Brahman). The concept and the word kundalini, which means snake, refer to the primordial force in man, which in Martinus' cosmology corresponds to the primordial sexual force, the sexual pole-principle and the sexual pole-transformation. This force is envisioned metaphorically as a snake that lies coiled in the nerve centre with its location in the sacrum region in the lower part of the body. But - and this is important in this context - there is no question of the physical body, but of the spiritual body, also referred to as the duplicate, the subtle body or the coupling body. The latter weave, so to speak, through the physical body so that the various body parts, organs and functions are similar. The idea and the intention is now, during meditation to awaken the kundalini (the serpent and get it to gradually rise through the spine’s different centres, of which there are seven, but all mind you located in the subtle body. The intention is to get the kundalini force to rise up to the highest centre, which is located in the brain in the region called the pineal gland (glandola pinealis). This meeting is experienced subjectively as a union of individual soul (atman) with the all-pervading supreme soul (Brahman), or as we would say as an association between the individual consciousness and the divine consciousness. This meeting cannot be described in words, but must be experienced, for you have no other way of possibly being able to understand what is involved. (11)


But otherwise, this so-called Kundalini Rising in fact also take place in the course of human psycho-biological development (evolution), and it is this development, Martinus describes as the sexual pole-transformation. Martinus relate not directly to these centres, but there is no doubt that he does so indirectly, which should follow from the context of his cosmology. But you will immediately be able to compare the kundalini energy, which is stored in the sacrum centre with primordial force or sexual force. In form of the so-called ordinary sexual pole, as for the man is the masculine pole and for the woman concerned the feminine pole, and both male and female are associated with the emotional pole organ. Conversely, the sexual force’s so-called extraordinary pole and in a sense, and so far dormant pole compared with the proportion of primordial force that is in the highest centre in the brain and that in the case of the man is the feminine pole and in the case of the woman the masculine pole, which in both cases are associated with the intellectual pole organ. It is at the two poles and pole-organs meeting to include the above-mentioned experience take place only in glimpses and later as a permanent experience. (12)


However, it is not apparent from the interview in the newspaper Information on May 28, 2010, as my information about Erik Hoffmann and his research is based on, whether he is clear to that kundalini not primarily relates directly to the physical body, but in contrast, mainly relates to the spiritual body. The last body is not direct mentioned by Hoffmann, but it is probably implied. On the other hand, it seems to me very strange that Erik Hoffman did not refer to or mention what he means by the human personality, so you can very easily get the idea that he identifies it with the physical body and the physical consciousness. So as it is these latter two instances, so to speak, it’s all about and is those who are having the experiences. On the other hand, Hoffmann mentions the three levels of consciousness or stages: The deep sleep, the dreaming sleep, the awake stage and also the higher consciousness. The latter seems to be understood in line with what Martinus describes as cosmic consciousness. But it is presumably understood that the individual or the personality, who experience these states of consciousness is implicitly contained and provided in Hoffmann's observations. One must at least be able to think so and therefore afford to go on.


There is of course a big difference between statements that are made ​​in a newspaper interview, and as such. in-depth and detailed analysis of the individual and its personality, which is found in Martinus' cosmology. Within this are roles of the physical body with its brain and nervous system and the behind being’s psychic structure quite clear and unambiguous, namely in the form of the triune principle’s three instances: the I, the consciousness and the organism, which can also be described as the I, the over-consciousness and the under-consciousness and also respectively as the creator-experiencor, the create and experience ability and the created-experienced. (13)


Martinus' personality model

To give the reader a brief overview of what within the scope of Martinus Cosmology more precisely is meant by a living being, the attached diagram could provide a good outline of the relationship between the three main instances of the living being, understood in its widest sense as all living beings, whether in microcosm, as in-between cosm and the macrocosm. The three instances are: the I, the over-consciousness and the under-consciousness, and these entities related to the physical body:



Overview of the living being's total cosmic structure. A corresponds to the I, B the over-consciousness and C to the spiritual structure and C' to the physical organism.

1 ) the combination A + B + C + C' = the total living being in physical appearance

2 ) the combination A + B + C = total living being in just para physical / spiritual appearance

3 ) the combination B + C + C' = total consciousness equipment or the total expression of the principle of "organism"

4 ) the combination A + B = the over-consciousness or the consciousness zone ( OBZ )

5 ) the combination B + C = the "psyche" or the total para physical device

6 ) the combination C + C'= the complete under-conscious zone ( UBZ ), alias the psycho-physical organism

Between C and C' one must here also think of the coupling body interposed, which is the structure that in both directions handles the connection between the physical organism and the para physical structure. - © Per Bruus-Jensen: "X" - a complete introduction to Martinus' cosmology, 1, paragraph. 1.280. - Reproduced with permission by the author).


The above diagram is, in other words, identical to the 'complete' cosmological model of personality such as this is presented with Martinus' cosmology. But that is not everything said about what is within the scope of Martinus Cosmology and can be understood by personality model or "living being". Belonging to another and more complete understanding of this, for example. that the objective basis for the living being's thoughts, feelings and behavioural patterns, in short its life experience in general, it's psychic force field, abbreviated designated as the P-force field. It is within the scope or limits of this that all perception and manifestation takes place and, secondly, when the individual is in the physical world and also when staying in the spiritual world. In addition, among other things, Martinus’ Cosmology emphasises the great and overall role of the sexual pole-principle and the sexual pole-transformation seen from a cosmic point of view play for the individual. (14)


© March 2012. Translated into English May 2014. Harry Rasmussen. Revised November 2014 by the author.




Notes and sources: Brain and consciousness


 1. The sources of this information provided about the brain and its structure and functions are more, but among other things. P. Brandt Rehberg, C.M. Steenberg and Helge Volsøe: Human Anatomy and Physiology. C. A. International Publishers, Copenhagen 1952, also for example. Lademanns Encyclopedia, Volume 10, Lademanns Publishing Company, Copenhagen, 1984.

 2. One of the theoretical physicists who thought that there is reason to wonder about life and the world and its rise and organisation, the theoretical physicist Victor F. Weisskopf (1908-2002), who recently expressed his view in the book "Knowledge and wonder - Nature as man knows it." Translated into Danish by Ellen Weisskopf. Gyldendal’s Quantum Books 1964.

 3. The history of Spiritualism - a review of spiritualism up to Martinus' Cosmology:

4. Re. the term fate, see for example. H1-23. The individual's formation of fate – on the general laws of the formation of fate: - and. H1-17. The process of reincarnation – on the ‘techniques’ in the form of incarnation or materialisation: - Re. the term the spiral circuit, see, for example. H1-12. The sexual double circuit – On the two sexual poles eternal interaction with each other:

 5. LB I, paragraph. 254.

6. H1-30. The I’s eternal resources of energy. – On the basic cosmic energies: - Re. The primordial desire, see H1- 09. "The sexual poleprinciple" - by Martinus also known as "The steering wheel of Creation”: - Re. the cosmic principles of creation, see again H1-30. The I’s eternal resources of energy.

7.      LB I, paragraph. 224.

8.   See, for example the article 4.28. The inner reality - a method of mental Introspection.

9.   LB I, paragraph. 51. - Re. concept of "the bright radiance of creating principle", see LB I, Chapter 2: The Divine Creative Principle, plus Symbol # 1: The Cosmic Radiance of the Earth: Symbol # 1 is now # 27: The Cosmic Radiance of the Earth: and Symbol # 2: Symbol # 1 is now Symbol # 2: The Spirit of God upon the Face of the Waters:

10. Lars Borking: Man is developing a new brain. The Newspaper Information, May 28, 2010. This Article may be, at least so far, searched on the web under the name Erik Hoffmann.

11. Se, for example. Articles 2.01. My way to Martinus - about the experiences that led me to the study of Martinus' Cosmology: and 4.06. Is the soul a hallucination? - On certain brain researchers view on the phenomena of consciousness and soul: - Re. sexual pole-transformation, see, for example. H1-13. Introduction to " The sexual pole-transformation " - the 'awake' and 'asleep' sexual 'pole': - Re. the seven nerve centres, which in Sanskrit is called chakras, these are: 1. Muladhara chakra, which in ascending order are located between the anus and urethral outlet, but mind you in the subtle body, which also applies to the following centres: 2. Swadhistana chakra, 3. Manipura chakra, located in the navel area, 4. Anahata chakra in the heart area, 5. Visuddha chakra in the neck region, 6. Ajna chakra in the forehead between the eyebrows and just above the nose, and 7. Sahasrara chakra, which is located in the pineal gland (glandola pinealis), but that is also referring to the subtle body. – Re. kundalini force, see e.g. also article 4.69. The brain - the great ernigma - Scientific analyses of the brain and Martinus' cosmic analyses of the same

12. See also. Articles H1-09. "The sexual poleprinciple" - by Martinus also referred to as "the steering wheel of Creation": and H1-11 Emotional and intellectual sexualism - The interrelationships between the two sexual pole and pole organs – and also on the basic forms of sexualism:

13. See also. Articles 2.24. The concepts of personality - historical, psychological and cosmological seen, and H1- 05 Intuition and personality - the relationship between personality and intuition: 1-05 Intuition and personality

14. Re. the psychic force field, see e.g. article H1.27. APPENDIX. 3rd Chapter: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE IN MARTINUS’ COSMOLOGY (II) - See also. article 4.09. Soul and body - the brain researchers reductionism view of the relationship between spirit and matter: Sorry, this article is not yet translated into English, and can so far only be read in Danish:  4.09. Sjæl og legemeom hjerneforskeres reduktionistiske opfattelse af relationen mellem ånd og materie.


Re. brain, consciousness and personality can generally refers to Articles with topics concerning brain debate - Re. the epistemological aspects of the relationship between brain and mind can also be made to the following relevant articles on this site: H1.25. APPENDIX. 1st Chapter: Introduction to THEORY OF KNOWLWDGE IN MARTINUS’ COSMOLOGY, H1.26. APPENDIX. 2nd Chapter: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE IN MARTINUS’ COSMOLOGY (I), H1.27. APPENDIX. 3rd Chapter: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE IN MARTINUS’ COSMOLOGY (II), H1.28. APPENDIX. 4th Chapter: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE IN MARTINUS’ COSMOLOGY (III), and H1.29. APPENDIX. 5th Chapter: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE IN MARTINUS’ COSMOLOGY (IV) - Re. the so-called parapsychological or paranormal experiences, see e.g. Articles 2.01. My way to Martinus - about the experiences that led me to the study of Martinus' Cosmology, and 4.06. Is the soul a hallucination? - On certain brain researchers view on the phenomena of consciousness and soul. See respective note 11.


© March 2012. Translated into English May 2014. Harry Rasmussen. Revised November 2014 by the author.

