Current articles about brain debate:
4.05. Brain and soul - the relationship between body and psyche and modern brain research
4.06. Is the soul a hallucination? - On certain brain researchers view on the phenomena of consciousness and soul

4.07. Brain and personality - on brain researchers and neuropsycologists perception of the human personality
4.08. A bit more brain-talk - about brain research reductionism

4.09. Soul and body - on brain researchers reductionistic conception of the relationship between spirit and matter
4.10. Brain-spins and responsibilities  - on the reductionism and anti-spiritualism of modern brain research.
4.17. Science on the detour - a story about brains, sex and consciousness.
4.19. The brainspin - a "serial" – on an ongoing report on brain research reductionism.
4.21. The formula for happiness!? - A brain researcher's recently bid for happiness
4.25. That's because of the brain! - Also when it comes to sexuality. - About the recent brain research on sexuality.
4.34. Consciousness and brain research - some additional considerations.

4.45. The triumphs of reductionism! About the 'bliss' of brain scanning.
4.46. Fear, anxiety and imagination - some of the driving forces of world history.

4.134. The happy brain - The talk about the brain continues


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Current articles on topics concerning Martinus' Cosmology


Current articles concerning the one-life-hypothesis


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