Current articles on topics concerning climate debate:
4.14. Climate change and Doomsday - comments for today's debate on climate change.
4.15. Comments on the article "Climate change and Doomsday"
4.16. Science, climate change and policy - some aphorisms in time
4.18. Climate change - once again - a few current supplementary comments.
4.20. Global warming paused!? - A topical comment.
4.22. Climate change seen in Martinus perspective - some thoughts to chill!
4.23. The Earth's climate - some scientific facts

4.26. DOOMSDAY NOW - again! The ominous trumpets sound again. - On a modern version of an old threat
4.32. Climate Problems again - about the reasons. Comments on the current situation in climate research.

4.33. Climate Problems once again! - Some brief asides
4.42. Today's 'doomsday prophecies' - about climate science, politics and media.
4.43. Mankind and the Earth's climate - Can humanity affect Earth's climate?

4.108. A hot topic - Global warming



Current articles with topics concerning brain debate


Current articles on topics concerning Martinus' Cosmology


Current articles concerning the one-life-hypothesis


Articles with various topics