Current articles on topics concerning Martinus' Cosmology:
4.01. One is a chart to understand ... Some personal considerations
The course of life sailing - about the "goals" or "intentions" of life
4.03. The current world situation - if the currently prevailing circumstances and conditions seen in cosmology perspective
4.04. Captivating illusions - the illusions that kindle and illusions that captures

4.11. It is in the genes ... – the attempt to explain human personality and behavior as a matter of genes
4.12. Relationship's "war" - and "peace" - about modern humans marital problems
4.13. With death as a joker - some thoughts about death

4.24. The true belief - an Orthodox and dogmatic religious beliefs

4.27. What is the universe? - Description of the unknown
The inner reality - a method of mental introspective
Why? - The horror of fate.
4.30. The origin of Everything - again! - On science and cosmology
When the crisis scratches - about the current world situation
The status of a life - a personal statement - An article in which the barely 80-year-old writer does wind up his personal spiritual 'status'.
4.36. Conspiracy Theories - Truth or false? - An article on some of the many conspiracy theories that have been advanced in the past.
The greatest adventure - the fundamental answers of Life
4.38. Death - the great enigma - personal thoughts about death.
4.39. A new season for reflection - some considerations concerning my writings
4.40. In the interest of Truth - about youth rebellion, moon travel and hocus pocus
4.41. Jagtvej 52 A - a turning point in Martinus' life
"He who seems to stand..." - an attempt at a spiritual 'status'
4.47. Cosmology or Spiritual Science? - A controversial issue ...
4.48. Comment on the article "Cosmology or Spiritual Science?"
4.49. Scientific reductionism in retreat?
4.50. Comment on the article "Scientific reductionism in retreat?"
4.51. Is Martinus's worldview a cosmology or a new religion?
4.52. A faithful "esquire" - a unneutral comment.
4.53. An epic about everything - the cosmic worldview
4.54. Hans Christian Andersen, H.C. Ørsted and Martinus - some personal comments on the Book.
E-book Project Life - an important initiative and alternative
Do you believe in God? - A difficult dialogue.
4.57. Do you believe in God? - A difficult dialogue (continued)

4.58. The Kingdom of God and the Adventures of Life                                                                                           

4.59. Whether to foretell or predict

4.61. What is Truth?

4.63. The playground of opinions

4.64. Life after death? - The great terminal question

4.65. Clumsy-Hans and his carefree princess

4.66. Church astray? - Thoughts on the new wedding ritual

4.67. Limited 'field of view'

4.68. Life is a wonder - Some thoughts about the wonder of life
4.69. The brain - the great ernigma - Scientific analyses of the brain and Martinus' cosmic analyses of the same

4.72. The horror of fate - again!

4.73. The dream that burst

4.75. The horror of fate - in retrospect!

4.76. Self-confession - and self-acknowledgement

4.78. World and life are a wonder (1) - some 'cosmic' considerations

4.79. World and life are a wonder (2) - some supplementary considerations

4.80. World and life are a wonder (3) - more supplementary considerations

4.81. Martinus' World Picture - Some considerations

4.82. The spiritual world - What is a spiritual world then?

4.83. The fools game of illusions

4.84. Is physical immortality possible? - Reflections on the concept of 'immortality'

4.89. The true reality - Reality and illusion

4.92. My Prayer to the eternal Father-Mother

4.93. Your own "fate-manager" - A little optimistic reminder

4.94. The principle of Life Units, The organism principle and prayer - Some considerations

4.95. Death’s nearness - An 85-year-old old man-thoughts

4.96. Chaos or Cosmos? - A matter of insight?

4.99. Fate and guilt - Is there appropriateness and justice in life?

4.100. Fate and guilt (2) - Some additional considerations

4.113. ‘Borrowed feathers' - Thoughts for renewed reflection

4.114. "Everything is very good!"

4.115. The Cosmology of Martinus and science

4.116. The Cosmology of Martinus - about sexualism


Current articles with topics concerning brain debate

Current articles on topics concerning climate debate


Current articles concerning the one-life-hypothesis


Articles with various topics